Saturday, December 23, 2006


I know that some that read my blog use it for updates on how my leg is healing. Well it has been a while since my last update. Things are healing very well. I started PT a few weeks ago. I am walking with a ankle brace in my shoe and a cane. It is a good feeling to be able to have two shoes on again. There is still pain but most of it is because my range of motion needs to be stretched back to normal locations. Having both shoes on is helping to stimulate my nerve lose in the bottom of my foot. The swelling have gone down quite a bit but will continue for a while. I'll try to what so long between updates next time.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

CLICK, CLICK Must be out of bullets.

Well yesterday I was taken out of the jean pool. It was something that took more nerve to "get around " to do than anything. Anticipation is an awful thing. I told the doc to take his time and it still only took about 15 mins. What a nice Christmas present to my wife. Besides, my insurance max out of pocket was met almost by 5o times. No more little Burnsy's running around.